26/02/2024 — LCB Berlin


Unheard voices and perspectives
Literature speaks all too often with a only male voice.  The middleclass white heterosexual male perspective still dominates novels, essays and plays and sets the standard of what good and Grand literature is. Pupils in schools, students and ordinary readers thus miss out on seeing the largest part of the world and recognizing other experiences. In a time when Europe swings to the right and culture is framed more and more as an identity tool, we feel the need for hearing this diversity of voices more than ever. During this evening we explore alternative perspectives and have a closer look at the literature of these too often unheard voices. Yesterday and today, in Europe and worldwide.
An interactive evening with performances and debate.
Authors: Fleur Speet Rachida Lamrabet Gaea Schoeters Jannah Loontjens Yra van Dijck
